Despre reclamatii
Unii oameni nu au alta treaba pe lumea asta decat sa se planga de ceva: ceva nu merge, cineva a facut ceva rau, din cauza lui X uite ce se intampla.
- Cand guvernul scade pensiile sau creste impozitele si omu’ se plange de asta, face o reclamatie.
- Cand conduce masina si unu se baga in fata si il claxoneaz, face o reclamatie.
- Cand sefu’ la serviciu ii spune ca a gresit, sefu’ face o reclamatie.
- Cand pustiul de 6 ani urla ca nu i-au luat ciocolata… face o reclamatie.
“Totul e clar, ce nu intelegeti, dumneavoastra nu respectati acum conditiile mele.”
The Brain Map
Chestia cu creierul nu e simpla dar nisite baieti au facut o baza de date cu functii detaliate pe arii corticale si pe puncte in spatiu pe care le-au studiat.
Cum numarul de celule este enorm cercetarile sunt inca punctiforme si nu exista inca o harta detaloata a creierului la nivel, de grupuri de celule.)
Problems as limitless Opportunities
Learn How to Learn
Viitori tineri “someri”
Cand tendinta in ultimii 10 ani este de crestere a somajului tinerilor, Romania, dupa intrarea in UE, urmareste cuminte (cu un usor dealy) modelul mediu European. Spre ce oare?
Crowd management
Un act reflex conditionat care ne poate salva viata.
In conditii de dezastru ca cele din club #colectiv, dincolo de autorizatii, multiple cai de iesire, echipamente de stingere a incendiilor si materiale ignifuge, PROBLEMA dupa confuzia si indecizia initiala, este Anxietatea – Frica – Panica ce se instaleaza in oameni.
In momentul doi multimea se comporta ca un organism multi-celular fara element de comanda si control. Efectul este devastator si letal.
A Beautiful Mind
Beautiful Thinking out of the box
It doesn’t need a high IQ, or reams of knowledge, or a great personality. All it needs is creativity, imagination and empathy―all techniques that anyone can learn.
Human MInd
by John P. Lynch
Your mind is real, everyone has one, but unfortunately it does not seem to exist in a material sense, which makes any theory of the mind difficult. Unlike your body, your mind cannot be physically dissected nor easily explained. Instead, scientists have to observe behaviors in humans and other animals, invent clever tests, use electronic surveillance, and seek out persons with specific damage to various parts of the brain just to get a glimpse into the workings of the mind; and although we have discovered some fascinating data, it is an ongoing process.
NLP = coduri in functiune
Dupa multe floricele, pasarele si poezii despre om, incarcate cu sentimente si emotii, interpretari si evaluari “subiectiv-statistice”, prin care unii cred vor evolua in secolul 21 (unde oare?), va propun
Calibrare si Acuitate
Oameni si Oameni.
Uneori cand cand nu ii intelegi pe unii, parerea mea e ca nu ai lucrat suficient muschiul senzorial : “incerci” sa calibrezi fara sa-ti fi dezvoltat suficient acuitatea senzoriala pe toate canalele de input, Vizual Auditiv, Kinstezic, Oolfactiv Gustativ + Vestibular .
Progressive vs. Conservative language
Limbajul (verbal si non verbal) relfecta procesele cognitive, structura de valori a celui ce transmite si, cu precizie, codurile interne prin care isi reprezinta realitatea.
Iar prin limbaj acceptat implicit sau creat artificial in discursul public, sustinut de transa de autoritate , factorii de decizie (policymakers, corporate, cultura, social) pot construi structuri si procese cognitive noi, pot schimba valori si credinte si chiar pot modifica perceptii.
Ecologic, Sustenabil, Evolutiv? Depinde de cultura fiecarui decident.
Human Excellence Reverse Engineering = NLP
Dupa multe floricele, pasarele si poezii despre om, incarcate cu sentimente si emotii, interpretari si evaluari “subiectiv-statistice”, prin care unii cred vor evolua in secolul 21 (unde oare?), va propun sa ne intoarcem cu picioarele pe sol si mintea in realitatea perceputa si sa invatam sa decodam prin reverse engineering, Excelenta Umana = Hacking & Decoding Human Excellence.
In scoala, in organizatii, in business si in viata.
Asta face NLP. Practic. Ecologic. Sustenabil.
Restul, cu regret, raman simple… “pareri”.
Lominger 67 Competencies
Lominger Standard 67 Competencies and Related Descriptions
1) Action Oriented Enjoys working hard; is action oriented and full of energy for the things he/she sees as challenging; not fearful of acting with a minimum of planning; seizes more opportunities than others.
2) Dealing With Ambiguity Can effectively cope with change; can shift gears comfortably; can decide and act without having the total picture; isn’t upset when things are up in the air; doesn’t have to finish things before moving on; can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty.
Language and Manipulation
” One of the main theses is that our use of language cements the dominant interests of our society, helping to oppress a large segment of the population. A key concept here is that of linguistic manipulation. I compare language to a screen or a veil, whose role it is to keep life’s ugly reality out of our conscious perimeter. As long as we don’t notice the presence of the screen or the veil, we are being manipulated. One should keep in mind, however, that it is not language itself, or its use as such that does the oppression. The true oppressor is society, or more precisely: the way it organizes itself. “- Jacob L. Mey, “Whose Language”
…mass-oriented use of language not necessarily, or even at all, represents the masses’ interests, but rather those of a small circle of influential people, the ‘mass moguls’ and their friends in politics and business. Such use of language identifies with the interests of the ruling classes rather than with those of the ruled masses; it is always manipulative.”Jacob L. Mey, “Whose Language”.
…”… le discours de la science, en tant qu’il se recommanderait de l’objectivité, de la neutralité, de la grisaille, voire du genre sulpicien, est tout aussi malhonnête, aussi noir d’intentions que n’importe quelle autre rhétorique.” Jacques Lacan, ‘La métaphore du sujet’
distinction between empirical-analytic and reconstructive sciences
– with the distinction between sensory experience or observation and communicative experience or understanding –
Constructal Law
Ovidiu’s 101 Stories – Chinese Recruiting
How some candles, matches, incense sticks and padlock keys can open the doors of someone’s successful career.
A Chinese story.
18 Principles
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three Rs: a. Respect for self b. Respect for others c. Responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. 6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.Dalai Lama
Hypnosis by a master: Gerald Kein
Hypnosis: A part of healing from ancient times. The induction of trance states and the use of therapeutic suggestion were a central feature of the early Greek healing temples, and variations of these techniques were practiced throughout the ancient world.
Modern hypnosis began in the eighteenth century with Franz Anton Mesmer, who used what he called “magnetic healing” to treat a variety of psychological and psychophysiological disorders, such as hysterical blindness, paralysis, headaches, and joint pains. Since then, the fortunes of hypnosis have ebbed and flowed. Freud, at first, found it extremely effective in treating hysteria and then, troubled by the sudden emergence of powerful emotions in his patients and his own difficulty with its use, abandoned it.
In the past 50 years, however, hypnosis has experienced a resurgence, first with physicians and dentists and more recently with psychologists and other mental health professionals. Today, it is widely used for addictions, such as smoking and drug use, for pain controls, and for phobias, such as the fear of flying.
Hypnosis is frequently used either independently or in concert with other treatment, including the management of pain, reduction of bleeding in hemophiliacs, stabilization of blood sugar in diabetics, reduction in severity of attacks of hay fever and asthma, increased breast size, the cure of warts, the production of skin blisters and bruises, and control of reaction to allergies such as poison ivy and certain foods.
Utimate Laws & Bob Wilson
Robert Anton WilsonWe look for the Secret – the Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir of the Wise, Supreme Enlightenment, ‘God’ or whatever…and all the time it is carrying us about…It is the human nervous system itself.
The Laws of Experimental Science
2. If anything does go wrong, it will get worse.
3. Things must get worse before they can get better.
4. You can’t win.
5. You can break even… but only at absolute zero.
We use experimental methods that can appropriately probe unconscious knowledge, stimuli that cannot be brought explicitly to consciousness: unconscious perception, unconscious storage, and unconscious retrieval. In these experimental methods, subjects are unaware of the stimuli, because they are too weak, brief, complex, or are masked, etc.
Using a Neurosky headset and Mindwave software we are looking for the brain waves characteristics when the egg is balanced.