24 Aug

Progressive vs. Conservative language

I got tired of cursing the newspaper every morning. I got tired of seeing what was going wrong and not being able to do anything about it.George Lakoff - UC Berkeley professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics

Limbajul (verbal si non verbal) relfecta procesele cognitive, structura de valori a celui ce transmite si, cu precizie, codurile interne prin care isi reprezinta realitatea.

Iar prin limbaj acceptat implicit sau creat artificial in discursul public, sustinut de transa de autoritate , factorii de decizie (policymakers, corporate, cultura, social) pot construi structuri  si procese cognitive noi, pot schimba valori si credinte si chiar pot modifica perceptii.

Ecologic, Sustenabil, Evolutiv? Depinde de cultura fiecarui decident.

Un Think Tank creat in USA poate fi o inspiratie pentru o constructie similara in Romania. Cu adaptarile culturale firesti. Si in spiritul cresterii complexitatii si al coevolutiei.

“In 2000 George Lakoff and seven other faculty members from Berkeley and UC Davis joined together to found the Rockridge Institute, one of the few progressive think tanks in existence in the U.S.”